Drummer 112795
Havana, Cuba
Year of birth - 1996
2006-2015 Professional Conservatory of Music "Carlos Hidalgo Diaz". Level Elementary and Middle Level. Percussion Specialty.
2019-current, working together with a project , belonging to the National Music Center. Performs in places like: "El Laguito" , Embassy of Kenya, Manzana Kempinski Hotel, National Hotel, Music Institute, La Foresta Restaurant, among others.
2017-current, Integrated as a percussionist in the Provincial Band of Concerts of Havana
2021 She records the television program
2021 Takes part in the Online Chamber Music Festival
2019-2020 Invited as a percussionist several times in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname.
2019-2020 Worked as a backup singer, made dissimilar presentations in nightclubs, Hotel Inglaterra, popular festivals, among others.
2018-2019 Performs in a group, as drummer and backup singer.
2018-2019 Performs in a group, as drummer and backup singer. with which she performs dissimilar presentations in Social Circles, Parties.
2017-2018 Quartet, where she performed as percussionist and chorister.
2016 Social service as a percussionist in the Municipal Band of Boyeros de Havana.