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Circus Acts » Jugglers » Solo

Solo Juggler 112963

Madrid, Spain

Year of birth -1984
Height - 170 cm
Weight - 70 kg

1999-2000 Expands his training at the La Matriz Theater School in Chile
1997 Study in chilli school

2022-2024-currently, he is part of the Creatura Circus company where he performs his juggling in a show that combines music and poetry based on the bestiary of Pepe Viyuela's circus.
- Notable for juggling 7 balls and 6 clubs simultaneously, performing in renowned festivals worldwide.
- Collaborations with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and various European festivals.
- Featured in several large circus festivals and shows
2018 Opening of the gala concert of the first festival. Ibero-American FIRCO, Madrid.
2015 Co-founder of circus company PARIDUOP. Gran Canarias
2001-2011 Juggling instructor at Circ Petit and Rogelio Rivel School of Circus, Barcelona
2001 Co-founder and member of Neto Duet and Creatura Circus.

See also:

Solo Juggler 112964 (Mexico)