The Best Talents for The Best Shows

Soloists Dj

List of soloists dj available to work for cruise lines, hotels, resorts, and amusement parks.

Female DJ 112085
Bogota, Colombia
Female DJ 112092
Metro Manila, Philippines
Female DJ 112097
Havana, Cuba
Female DJ 112103
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Female Dj 112154
Moscow, Russia
Female Dj 112233
Istanbul, Turkey
Female DJ 112531
Cape Town, South Africa
Female DJ 112532
New Delhi, India
Female DJ 112534
Malaga, Spain
Female DJ 112535
London, UK
Female DJ 112546
Manila, Philippines
Dj 112573
Dubai, UAE
Female DJ 112574
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Female Dj 112587
London, UK
Dj 112669
Cairo, Egypt
Male DJ 112694
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Male Dj 112698
Dubai, UAE
Male Dj 112744
Barrancabermeja, Colombia
DJ 112759
Doha, Qatar
DJ 112763
Manila, Philippines
Dj 112798
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dj 112802
Dubai, UAE
Female DJ 4993
Mexico City, Mexico
DJ 112530
, Latin America